Author Archives: smiling coders

Callback function parameters explained in netsuite

Hi in this tutorial of netsuite solution provider we are going to show you how NetSuite executes the require() Function, it executes the callback function and loads the dependencies when they are required. the define() and require() functions used by SuiteScript 2.0 to load and define modules. This article will help in netsuite implementation.

In simple layman language I will try to differentiate  between the parameter usage of callback function.

require([‘N/record’,’N/search’],function(rec, sea){

            var … Read the rest

SOAP Web Service in NetSuite

In this tutorial of NetSuite solution provider we are going to discuss about  SOAP Web Service. In this section of NetSuite Customization we will tell you about how web service request process, how to check the web service logs and how to see the request and response.

SOAP web services requests can be processed in two ways


With synchronous requests, your client application sends a request to NetSuite, and the client waits until the … Read the rest

NetSuite Xml to pdf using N/render module

In this blog of NetSuite solution provider we are show how to use render module to convert xml content into pdf. In this Netsuite customization tutorial we are creating pdf using render module. The render module encapsulates functionality for printing, PDF creation, form creation from templates, and email creation from templates.


 * @NApiVersion 2.x

 * @NScriptType ScheduledScript


define([‘N/render’, ‘N/record’],

    function (render, record) {

        function generatePdfFileFromRawXml() {

            var xmlStr = “<?xml version=\”1.0\”?>\n” +

                “<!DOCTYPE pdf PUBLIC \”-//\” \”reportLAP-18.1.dtd\”>\n” +

                “<pdf>\n<body font-size=\”18\”>\nHello World!\n</body>\n</pdf>”;

            var pdfFile = render.xmlToPdf({

                xmlString: xmlStr



                title: “pdfFile”,

                details: pdfFile


   = ‘Test123.pdf’;

            pdfFile.folder = 30;

            var fileId =;

            log.debug(‘Saved PDF to file ‘ + fileId);


        return {

            execute: generatePdfFileFromRawXml

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Dynamic group in NetSuite

Category : NetSuite

In this tutorial blog of NetSuite solution provider we are discussing about dynamic group. A group is a set of employees, contacts, customers, partners or vendors. You can create groups of records to communicate with a set of individuals. For example, invite a group to a meeting, or create folders in the File Cabinet for a specific group in your organization.

With groups you can do the following:

  • Invite everyone in a group to the
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Create NetSuite Groups

Category : NetSuite

In this  Tutorial of NetSuite Solution provider we are going to show you how to create groups in netsuite.

A group is a set of employees, contacts, customers, partners or vendors. You can create groups of records to communicate with a set of individuals. For example, invite a group to a meeting, or create folders in the File Cabinet for a specific group in your organization.

The groups in NetSuite can be of 2 types… Read the rest

Automate values on inventory adjustment Record in NetSuite

A Customer want to automate few values on the inventory adjustment record here I am writing few updates on how easily you can achieve the customization via User event or Client script.  Here we choose  Adjustment Account, fielded: Account (Select the appropriate account for inventory adjustments. Usually, this will be an expense account. For details on accounts, go to Setup > Accounting > Chart of Accounts.) and

 Adjustment Location Field id: Adjlocation( To select … Read the rest

Some common errors in netsuite CSV import

Category : NetSuite

  • Some fields did not automatically map as expected

It is expected that the fields from the CSV file will automatically map with NetSuite fields but if the column headers of your file are different from the original column headers, it will not map.It should be the same to map automatically.

  • Multiple values found for a dropdown field that can only take one

Though the value does not contain pipeline character “|”, the Custom Delimiter for … Read the rest

NetSuite CSV Import


CSV import is the most commonly used method for transferring small to medium-sized data sets from other applications into NetSuite. The CSV import process saves time and prevents errors, by submitting data in a CSV (comma-separated value) file. This data can add or update many records at one time, avoiding the need for manual data entry.

Important Things to take care while preparing csv file for data import

  1. Always take the export file of
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NetSuite Celigo Integration

In Integration of NetSuite with another Ecommerce Channel like Shopify or BigCommerce there is a need of a middleware that must be reliable and scalable. The integration should be flawless and seamless in a way that it can handle multiple request at the same time synchronously. After suggesting comparison-based study on different Middleware’s available in the market we suggested Celigo IPaaS to our one of premium Ecommerce Client. They have challenges of maintaining concurrency of … Read the rest

Call MapReduce from another server side script in netsuite

Map/reduce scripts can be submitted for processing on an on-demand basis from another server-side script. You can submit a deployment this way by using the task.ScheduledScriptTask API. For the call to be successful, the Status field on the script deployment record must be set to Not Scheduled.

Feel free to reach out Netsuite Solution provider  TheSmilingCoders for proper netsuite implementationnetsuite consultation , netsuite customizationnetsuite Supportnetsuite Training 

You can also … Read the rest