SuiteScript 2.0 Revisited Part #1

SuiteScript 2.0 Revisited Part #1

In this blog of NetSuite as a NetSuite Solution provider and NetSuite Training point of view we would like to help you in netsuite support and netsuite customization using SuiteScript 2.0 which is a complete new design of the SuiteScript model. Here we are discussing about the topics which will help in NetSuite Implementation using suitescript 2.0.

Management of Complexity and Code Organization

SuiteScript 2.0 is built on modularity. Modern SuiteApps require complex scripts that typically consist of many lines of code and many files. Modularity gives users built-in complexity management. It also adds encapsulation, provides intuitive code organization, and ensures there are no global variable or method naming conflicts.

SuiteScript 2.0 comes with a complete set of new APIs, contained within modules. These modules are organized and named based on behavior. For example, you use the file module when you need to work with files in NetSuite.

Your script loads only those modules that it needs. With SuiteScript 1.0, all APIs are contained in the same global namespace. Each SuiteScript 1.0 script utilizes the entire namespace, regardless of which APIs it actually uses.


SuiteScript 2.0 also enables you to create your own custom modules. You can use these custom modules to organize your code (as a replacement for SuiteScript 1.0 libraries). Additionally, you can add custom modules to SuiteApps and expose those modules to third parties.

SuiteScript 2.0 implements the Asynchronous Module Definition (AMD) specification. AMD is used to define and load JavaScript modules and their dependencies

Automatic Dependency Management

SuiteScript 2.0 gives you built-in dependency management. With SuiteScript 2.0, you define the SuiteScript 2.0 modules and custom modules that must load prior to script execution. The module loader automatically loads the dependencies of those modules, the dependencies of the dependencies, and so forth. Automatic dependency management enables you to concentrate on logic instead of dependencies and load order.

Reference :, netsuite help  and netsuite guide.

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