Celigo ‘One to many’ configuration

Celigo ‘One to many’ configuration

Category : Uncategorized

  • Normally in celigo, flow runs against each record in the export.
  • ‘One to many’ configuration that is available at the connector level.
  • One to many configuration is used when the input data contains child records that should each be considered as the main record.
  • If the records being processed are JSON objects, the Path to many’ field can be used to enter the JSON path to child records.
  • In the below example while importing, the entire json object will be considered as a single record and all the datas come under the inventory array.Thus a single record will be created.
  • By setting “One to many” to “Yes”, and then setting “Path to many” to point to your “inventory” array, there will be one import per array element
  • The second screenshot shows when “One to many” is set as true.Here the first child record under the inventory array will be considered as a main record.