Category Archives: NetSuite

NetSuite Infra Security and data management.

Whenever we talk to new potential client for any ERP implementation , they always have a question and curiosity about Cloud Security. Cloud security and the reliability on SAAS is always a must ask questionnaire from the client and being a netsuite solution provider we have to be prepared for the suitable answer which give them confidence over technology and infrastructure both.

Talking about NetSuite:  NetSuite Provides Enterprise-Class Data Management, Security and Availability

As the … Read the rest

Record Catalog in NetSuite

In this tutorial of smiling coders we are going to show the Record Catalog which is release in new release of 2020.The Records Catalog is a contextual reference tool that describes the NetSuite model structure and behavior. This tool supports users in developing integrations, adopting new features, and learning about the NetSuite model. Within the Records Catalog, you can find information about the record types and fields available for specific NetSuite channels. This dynamic NetSuite … Read the rest

Inventory Adjustment In NetSuite

When you need to change your inventory records, two forms are available you can use to enter an adjustment, the Adjust Inventory form and the Adjust Inventory Worksheet. Although the names are similar, the function of these forms is different.

For example, if you enter each form with a quantity of +10 widgets, a basic summary of the difference is this:

The Adjust Inventory form is inclusive of the previous stock total.

The Adjust Inventory … Read the rest

NetSuite File Cabinet useful features

Account-Specific Domains Supported in File Cabinet

NetSuite 2020.2 supports account-specific domains in the File Cabinet. You should use account-specific domains in the File Cabinet instead of data center-specific URLs.

Previously, NetSuite domains were specific to the data center where your account was hosted. Links in the File Cabinet used these data center-specific domains. NetSuite domains are no longer specific to data centers. Instead, they are account-specific domains, which are domains specific to your account and … Read the rest

SOAP Web Service in NetSuite

In this tutorial of NetSuite solution provider we are going to discuss about  SOAP Web Service. In this section of NetSuite Customization we will tell you about how web service request process, how to check the web service logs and how to see the request and response.

SOAP web services requests can be processed in two ways


With synchronous requests, your client application sends a request to NetSuite, and the client waits until the … Read the rest

NetSuite Xml to pdf using N/render module

In this blog of NetSuite solution provider we are show how to use render module to convert xml content into pdf. In this Netsuite customization tutorial we are creating pdf using render module. The render module encapsulates functionality for printing, PDF creation, form creation from templates, and email creation from templates.


 * @NApiVersion 2.x

 * @NScriptType ScheduledScript


define([‘N/render’, ‘N/record’],

    function (render, record) {

        function generatePdfFileFromRawXml() {

            var xmlStr = “<?xml version=\”1.0\”?>\n” +

                “<!DOCTYPE pdf PUBLIC \”-//\” \”reportLAP-18.1.dtd\”>\n” +

                “<pdf>\n<body font-size=\”18\”>\nHello World!\n</body>\n</pdf>”;

            var pdfFile = render.xmlToPdf({

                xmlString: xmlStr



                title: “pdfFile”,

                details: pdfFile


   = ‘Test123.pdf’;

            pdfFile.folder = 30;

            var fileId =;

            log.debug(‘Saved PDF to file ‘ + fileId);


        return {

            execute: generatePdfFileFromRawXml

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Dynamic group in NetSuite

Category : NetSuite

In this tutorial blog of NetSuite solution provider we are discussing about dynamic group. A group is a set of employees, contacts, customers, partners or vendors. You can create groups of records to communicate with a set of individuals. For example, invite a group to a meeting, or create folders in the File Cabinet for a specific group in your organization.

With groups you can do the following:

  • Invite everyone in a group to the
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Create NetSuite Groups

Category : NetSuite

In this  Tutorial of NetSuite Solution provider we are going to show you how to create groups in netsuite.

A group is a set of employees, contacts, customers, partners or vendors. You can create groups of records to communicate with a set of individuals. For example, invite a group to a meeting, or create folders in the File Cabinet for a specific group in your organization.

The groups in NetSuite can be of 2 types… Read the rest

Automate values on inventory adjustment Record in NetSuite

A Customer want to automate few values on the inventory adjustment record here I am writing few updates on how easily you can achieve the customization via User event or Client script.  Here we choose  Adjustment Account, fielded: Account (Select the appropriate account for inventory adjustments. Usually, this will be an expense account. For details on accounts, go to Setup > Accounting > Chart of Accounts.) and

 Adjustment Location Field id: Adjlocation( To select … Read the rest

Some common errors in netsuite CSV import

Category : NetSuite

  • Some fields did not automatically map as expected

It is expected that the fields from the CSV file will automatically map with NetSuite fields but if the column headers of your file are different from the original column headers, it will not map.It should be the same to map automatically.

  • Multiple values found for a dropdown field that can only take one

Though the value does not contain pipeline character “|”, the Custom Delimiter for … Read the rest