Understanding SuiteScript 2.0

Understanding SuiteScript 2.0

NetSuite ERP is expanding its footprints very rapidly with new and latest technology implementation in the backend and frontend to improve the user experience. Implementation partner and solution provider needs to take care of some important things about the technology  which NetSuite Cutomization is using, as after the release of SuiteScrip 2.0 NetSuite is more flexible and customizable. Following are some of the things in NetSuite Implementation need to understand before going deep into suitescript 2.0:

1) Why SuiteScript 2.0?
Optimized performance, Code in modular structure which is easy to debug in modules and enhance the functionality with performance. Using a modular script loader like RequireJS will improve the speed and quality of your code.

2) Is SuiteScript 1.0 sufficient?
The SuiteScript 1.0 is based on native JavaScript but it is not able to utilize the benefits of new libraries and framework which are based on modular architecture. So, to create custom functionality, increase user productivity, and improve the performance of your NetSuite application the SuiteScript 1.0 needs more expansion.

3)  Why Module are introduced in SuiteScript 2.0?
Modules are easy to manage and configure, specific modules are used for specific scenarios and requirement . As one indication of this, all SuiteScript 2.0 APIs are organized into a series of standard modules. Each module’s name reflects its functionality. For example, the N/record Module lets you interact with NetSuite records. The N/https Module lets you make https requests to external web services.

4)  From where these module came from?
The RequireJS and CommonJS are the javascript libraries which are written in modular architecture.RequireJS is a JavaScript file and module loader It is optimized for in-browser use, but it can be used in other JavaScript environments, like Rhino and Node.

Why we need to understand all these?

As a NetSuite Solution Provider For any implementation it’s really important to understand the architecture of the application where we are deploying our Solution. So for optimized customization it’s really important to understand the core as well. As we all know SuiteScript 2.0 is a JavaScript API that offers a broad range of options for enhancing and extending NetSuite Support. You can use SuiteScript to customize the behavior of a page, create custom workflows, schedule tasks, and much more.

Reference: ReqireJS, CommonJS, https://www.netsuite.com/portal/products/erp.shtml

Related blog: Understand Core Technology behind SuiteScript 2.0 

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