SuiteScript 2.0 working with subrecords

SuiteScript 2.0 working with subrecords

In this netsuite training we as a netsuite solution provider come with Subrecords. Subrecords represent a way of storing data in NetSuite. Like records, subrecords are classified by type. Some common types of subrecord include address, inventory detail, and order schedule.

Each subrecord type has a different purpose and includes different fields. For example:

  • An address subrecord stores an address. It has fields such as city, state, and zip.
  • An order schedule subrecord represents a purchase schedule. It has fields such as startdate and enddate.
  • An inventory detail subrecord holds data, such as serial numbers, that describe inventory items. It contains a sublist that holds this data.
  • A subrecord exists solely to hold information about a specific record. You cannot interact with a subrecord outside the context of a parent record.

Below is the netsuite training code snippet of address Subrecord which we can use in our netsuite customization and netsuite implementation.

var recObj  = record.load({

                   type: ‘customer’,

                   isDynamic: true,

                   id: internal ID // the internal ID of the Customer


          recObj .selectNewLine({

                   sublistId: ‘addressbook’


var addrSubRec = recObj .getCurrentSublistSubrecord({

                   sublistId: ‘addressbook’,

                   fieldId: ‘addressbookaddress’



                   fieldId: ‘country’,

                   value: ‘Country Name’     // US/UK/NLpopulates the country field



                   fieldId: ‘city’,

                   value: ‘xyz’  // the city field



                   sublistId: ‘addressbook’



Reference :, netsuite help  and netsuite guide.

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