Account-Specific Domains Supported in File Cabinet NetSuite 2020.2 supports account-specific domains in the File Cabinet. You should use account-specific domains in the File Cabinet instead of data center-specific URLs. Previously, NetSuite domains were specific to the data center where your account was hosted. Links in the File Cabinet used these data center-specific domains. NetSuite domains […]
When you need to change your inventory records, two forms are available you can use to enter an adjustment, the Adjust Inventory form and the Adjust Inventory Worksheet. Although the names are similar, the function of these forms is different. For example, if you enter each form with a quantity of +10 widgets, a basic […]
In this tutorial of smiling coders we are going to show the Record Catalog which is release in new release of 2020.The Records Catalog is a contextual reference tool that describes the NetSuite model structure and behavior. This tool supports users in developing integrations, adopting new features, and learning about the NetSuite model. Within the […]
Whenever we talk to new potential client for any ERP implementation , they always have a question and curiosity about Cloud Security. Cloud security and the reliability on SAAS is always a must ask questionnaire from the client and being a netsuite solution provider we have to be prepared for the suitable answer which give […]