Netsuite Shortcuts That Will Save Your Time
Category : Uncategorized
1 ) KeyBoard ShortCuts :
- Mass Delete Records in Netsuite: You can Mass Delete records in Netsuite using a keyboard shortcut. To do this, the record shouldn’t have any related records. To achieve this,
- Go To List of records.
- Enable Inline Edit
- Hold the shift key and Click on the first record you want to delete.
- Then, click on the last record you want to delete
- Enter backspace, then give the confirmation.
- Access Global Search : Alt + G
- Switch Among Tabs : When you are working with tabbed pages, you can navigate through each tab by Clicking Alt key with a letter that is underlined in the subtab name.(In the following screenshot, i is underlined in Items subtab. So Alt + i will take you to the Items subtab. For shipping the letter will be s, for Billing the letter will be b and so on. Also, note that letter g won’t be underlined in any sub tabs as it’s a shortcut for Global search).
- Date Shortcuts : While filling records/forms, we can use several shortcuts to fill the date fields.
Key t to Enter Today’s Date
Key y to Enter Yesterday’s Date
Key T to Enter Tomorrow’s Date
Key M to Enter last day of the month
Key + to Increase Date by one day. (plus sign)
Key – to Decrease Date by one day. (minus sign).
2) Global Search ShortCuts : Globals Search itself is a shortcut tool in Netsuite to locate data in Netsuite. It can be found in the header part of the Netsuite page.
When we search using Netsuite with a specific key, we usually get a large number of responses. This can be avoided by specifying record type prefix followed by a colon. Following is a list of example prefixes that can be used for different types of records.
cust for Customer
cash for Cash Sale
emp for Employee
invo for Invoice
sales for Sales Order
opp for Opportunity
est for Estimate
Note: The above list is just for reference. Prefixes can be added by using the first few letters of the record type you are using. Also, note that if you rename record type the search prefix will also change accordingly.
3) Easily Find Empty Subtabs : When you are working with multiple Subtabs, checking for Subtabs with data might be a hectic task. Netsuite has a solution for this. If you check closely, you may see subtabs with circles. This indicates the subtab is having some data. The following screenshot will clarify the idea.
Here, the System Notes subtab has a circle at the end. It indicates, the subtab includes data.
4) Recent Records: Recent record is a useful shortcut to find recently accessed records. It’s located in the top left corner of the Netsuite header with a clock symbol. If you hover over the symbol, you can see 12 recently used records. If you want to see furthermore, click on the All Recent Records link. This will show 100 recently accessed records. The following screenshot shows the recent record in Netsuite.
4) Adding Shortcuts in the Dashboard : You can add Shortcuts in Netsuite to access records, lists, reports that are being used frequently. The shortcut is located next to the recent records with a star icon. A new shortcut can be added in two ways:
- Go to the Page that you want to add as a shortcut
- Hover the shortcut icon and click on Add to shortcuts Link.
- A new window will pop up. Add the shortcut Name and check OPEN IN NEW WINDOW checkbox if you want the shortcut to be opened in a new window.
- Using shortcut portlets, we can add shortcuts.
- In the dashboard, locate the Shortcut portlet. Click on 3 dots in the portlet.
- Select New Shortcut option.
- Next, in the popup window add the Name and Link of the page that you want to shortcut.
- Click on save.