Useful Chrome Extensions for Netsuite

Useful Chrome Extensions for Netsuite

Category : Uncategorized

Chrome extensions are used to add new functionality to your browser. There are several extensions available for Netsuite developers,consultants and users to improve their interaction with Netsuite. You can add an extension to your chrome browser as follows.

Go to google chrome store ( -> In the search bar enter the keywords for the extension -> select the extension -> Click on Add to Chrome button.

Here, in this article we are going to explore a few useful extensions that a Netsuite user can use. 

1. Netsuite Field Explorer


The Netsuite Field Explorer extension is a useful tool to view Record and Its fields. Developers/ Administrators can use this extension to easily find field ids, record type and overall data model behind Netsuite records. You will have a quick search box to filter the results using a keyword. There will be some cases in Netsuite where xml=t shortcut to find field IDs won’t work, in such cases we can make use of this extension.

2. Netsuite Search Export


This is a useful extension for the Netsuite developers. Here, we can convert a saved search into suitescript code. Simply create a search and save it. Then in the edit mode click on Export as Script link. You will get the code of that saved search in both suitescript 1.0 and 2.0.

3. Netsuite Advanced Field Help


This is an extended version of the Netsuite field help popup. Other than internal id and description it shows available field values(if it’s a list type) along with its internal id and text. In case you are selecting a custom field, you will get its type as well as a link to the field. Following is the screenshot Advanced Field Help extension.