Map/reduce scripts can be submitted for processing on an on-demand basis from another server-side script. You can submit a deployment this way by using the task.ScheduledScriptTask API. For the call to be successful, the Status field on the script deployment record must be set to Not Scheduled. Feel free to reach out Netsuite Solution provider TheSmilingCoders […]
A Customer want to automate few values on the inventory adjustment record here I am writing few updates on how easily you can achieve the customization via User event or Client script. Here we choose Adjustment Account, fielded: Account (Select the appropriate account for inventory adjustments. Usually, this will be an expense account. For details on accounts, […]
In this blog of NetSuite solution provider we are show how to use render module to convert xml content into pdf. In this Netsuite customization tutorial we are creating pdf using render module. The render module encapsulates functionality for printing, PDF creation, form creation from templates, and email creation from templates. /** * @NApiVersion 2.x * @NScriptType ScheduledScript */ define([‘N/render’, ‘N/record’], function (render, record) { function generatePdfFileFromRawXml() { var xmlStr = “<?xml version=\”1.0\”?>\n” + […]
Hi in this tutorial of netsuite solution provider we are going to show you how NetSuite executes the require() Function, it executes the callback function and loads the dependencies when they are required. the define() and require() functions used by SuiteScript 2.0 to load and define modules. This article will help in netsuite implementation. In simple layman language […]
In this tutorial of netsuite solution provider you will learn netsuite customization. Script to get Values of Sales Order and load the Item to get sublist value of Item Record. As a netsuite solution provider we are giving you Use Case: In this example we are going to write a user event script which will be deployed on Sales order […]
In this tutorial of smiling coders we are going to share you how to write your first Restlet script. You can see this is the restlet with get function having record type and record id on record load and context is passing it to function. Restlet has 2 url one external and one internal. The […]
In this tutorial of smiling coders we are looking into Mass update of netsuite. In this tutorial we are showing you how to update custom record using mass update. Then go to general update and select custom record which you already created. In my case I am updating Custom record name Training Po , after […]
In this tutorial we are going to share information about New module introduces in NetSuite. The N/recordContext module is introduced in NetSuite 2020.2. You can use this new method and enum to determine which country a script is using for execution. Use the N/recordContext Module to get all the available context types of the record, […]