Celigo Mapping Types
When we open a flow with all mappings we can see
Here we can see that the connection is done between Shopify and Salesforce. Here from the screenshot we can say that this is a side-by-side representation of mapping. Here the left hand side of the mapping have the fields from the source ie Shopify and the corresponding right hand side have the fields to destination i.e. Salesforce. Here the data is exported from Shopify and is imported to Salesforce. When we need to map a new field just select the field listed in the export and import.
For listing the fields in an easier manner we could just type the field name and the similar fields with the typed words will be shortlisted. When we find the exact match for the desired field, select that field. This is called a simple mapping because the fields in the left hand side are mapped to the corresponding fields selected in the right hand side.
There is another way of mapping by clicking the gear icon in the right side of the destination field.
Here we have some mapping options like Standard which we have done already. By default when we map a field as side-by-side mapping it will be in Standard mapping type. Next option is Hard-Coded, which will always enter the same value into that field.
Here when we select the Hard-Coded option, we can set any particular value in the Value textbox. And click the Save button.
When we select the Lookup mapping type, it allows us to compare the values that are coming in to either a table or to a dynamic lookup to find the matching value.
Dynamic lookups allow us to perform a callout to the system to look for the value that has to be matched. So we have to select the criteria to be matched
Here we have certain Action to take if unique match not found, by default is Fail record and give an error. We can change the action. Use empty string as default value will map the field with an empty string if no unique match is found. Use null as default value will map the field with a null if no unique match is found. Use custom default value will map the field with a custom value if no unique match is found.
Static lookup will be a value-value matching list where we have a list of value pairs.
This way of matching is most helpful in case of ship method, carrier, currency , the things that change value. Static lookup also have the Action to take if unique match not found which is the same as in Dynamic lookup.
The last mopping type is Multi-Field, which allows us build an expression of combined different fields or functions together to give a value.
Here also we have Action to take if value not found, like Use empty string as default value,
Use null as default value, Use custom default value.
We also have some other options. Immutable option, by default if the integratorio gets an error for a certain field it will try to drop the value from that field that is being set through the API call and it will resubmit the record without that field included. So if it is an important field, and we don’t want to save the record without the field in case of an error, we have to select the Immutable option, which will not drop that field even if we hit an error in that field. Next option is Discard if empty, which when selected drops the field off of the data we send across when the result of the mapping is an empty value. This is helpful while we update a record.