In User Event Script passing a variable as a function parameter to a referenced Client Script.

In User Event Script passing a variable as a function parameter to a referenced Client Script.

Problem Statement

In this tutorial of netsuite training from your netsuite solution provider we are showing two scripts interaction with each other. There was a Customer working in the sales order customization, wants to pass a value from their User Event script to a referenced Client Script so that it can be used for further processing within the Client Script. The Client Script will be triggered by a button that was created by the User Event script on beforeLoad.

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As a netsuite solution provider, we suggest for this netsuite customization, Declare A variable and store the value which will be passed as a function parameter in one of the functions of the referenced Client Script. The sample codes below will include scenarios for when passing a number, a string, or a URL parameter.

Step 1: Create a client script that will use the value to be passed and upload it to the file cabinet.


 * @NApiVersion 2.x

 * @NScriptType ClientScript



function(dialog) {

            function pageInit(context) {


            function showPassedValueFunc(paramTest) {

            var clientVar = paramTest            

                        var options = {

                        title: “Passed Value”,

                        message: clientVar           //Display the value using an alert dialog




    return {

            pageInit: pageInit,

            showPassedValueFunc: showPassedValueFunc



Step 2: Create the User Event script that will reference the Client Script and pass the value to it. Deploy script to the intended record.


 * @NApiVersion 2.x

 * @NScriptType UserEventScript

 * @NModuleScope SameAccount


define([‘N/url’],function(url) {

    function beforeLoad(scriptContext) {

            var userVarNum = 99

            var userVarStr = ‘Sample String’;

            var userVarURL = url.resolveRecord({

                recordType: ‘recordIdname’


            //Reference the previously created Client Script

            thisForm = scriptContext.form;

            thisForm.clientScriptFileId = FileId;

            //Add a button and call the specific function from the Client Script


                id : ‘custpage_label’,

                label : ‘Label’,         

            functionName: ‘showPassedValueFunc(‘ + userVarNum + ‘)’            //Format when passing a number

              //functionName: “showPassedValueFunc(‘” + userVarStr + “‘)”            //Format when passing a string

              //functionName: “showPassedValueFunc(‘” + userVarURL + “‘)”            //Format when passing a URL



    return {

        beforeLoad: beforeLoad



Reference :, netsuite help  and netsuite guide.

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