Client Script to Display a Saved Search’s result in a popup using inline html.

Client Script to Display a Saved Search’s result in a popup using inline html.

Problem Statement

In this netsuite training we are discussing about use case as a netsuite solution provider , Suppose our customer has some custom record and they want to populate the saved search’s result in a popup dialog alert for a quick reference, as there business has lots of customization depending on their business use case. Additionally, an inline-HTML-created table will be used in containing the search results for better display.


In Below approach of netsuite training from your netsuite solution provider for displaying the popup dialog alert, triggered on pageInit function of client script . The script will perform a load-run on an existing saved search to get the results and display it. For this article, the script will only get the first 1000 results from the saved search.


 * @NApiVersion 2.x

 * @NScriptType ClientScript


define([‘N/ui/dialog’, ‘N/search’], function(

                     dialog, search) {


     * Function to be executed after page is initialized.


     * @param {Object} scriptContext

     * @param {Record} scriptContext.currentRecord – Current form record

     * @param {string} scriptContext.mode – The mode in which the record is being accessed (create, copy, or edit)


     * @since 2015.2


          function pageInit(context) {

                     //Load the saved search

                     var mySearch = search.load({

                     id: ‘savedSearchId’


                     //Run the search and return the first 1000 results

                     var srchRes =,999)

                     //Start of inline HTML

                     //Optional CSS stype for the table

           var strHTML = ‘<style>’;

                  strHTML += ‘ .hoverTable{border-collapse:collapse;}’;

                  strHTML += ‘ .hoverTable td{padding:3px; border:#1659ba 1px solid;}’;

                  strHTML += ‘ .hoverTable tr{background: #f1f2ea;}’;

           strHTML += ‘ .hoverTable tr:hover {background-color: #f1fc80;}’;

                  strHTML += ‘  </style>’;

           //Defining the table – optimal size of the table for the popup dialog is 350px

                  strHTML += ‘<table border=1 cellpadding=3 cellspacing=0 class=”hoverTable” style=”width:350px”>’;

           //Table headers

                  strHTML += ‘<tr><td>Internal ID</td><td>Column 2</td><td>Column 3</td><td>Column 4</td><td>Column 5</td></tr>’;

           //Loop through the search results and adding them as table items

                  for (var int = 0; int < srchRes.length; int++) {

                               strHTML += ‘<tr><td>’;

                                strHTML += srchRes[int].id;

                               strHTML += ‘</td><td>’;

                               strHTML += srchRes[int].getValue(‘srchCol1’);

                               strHTML += ‘</td><td>’;

                               strHTML += srchRes[int].getValue(‘srchCol2’);

                               strHTML += ‘</td><td>’;

                               strHTML += srchRes[int].getValue(‘srchCol3’);

                               strHTML += ‘</td><td>’;

                               strHTML += srchRes[int].getValue(‘srchCol4’);

                               strHTML += ‘</td>’;


                     strHTML += ‘</table>’;

                     //Call the alert dialog

                     var options = {

                      title: “Alert Dialog – Saved Search”,

                      message: strHTML




          return {

                     pageInit : pageInit



Reference :, netsuite help  and netsuite guide.

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