SuiteCommerce advanced 2020.2 (series 2)

SuiteCommerce advanced 2020.2 (series 2)

In the previous blog of SuiteCommerce Advanced 2020.2 Series we talked about The basics of the new version which was introduced. In this we will talk little more into the deep of actual development.

In SCA we have theme and this time we spent more time in understanding theme. In SCA theme is something where we actually write out frontend code or you can say we utilize the existing theme to transform into our own … Read the rest

Suite Commerce Advanced 2020.2 (Series 1)

In latest release of Suite Commerce Advanced we will be discussing about the new features and the ways to customize the Advanced Site.

The SuiteCommerce Advanced is divided in 3 components:

Core SCA :

The main components and models providing out of the box functionality to new users and developers. The Core SCA code is packed with all the available modules and there features. The core SCA developer tools let you customize the application from … Read the rest

NetSuite Infra Security and data management.

Whenever we talk to new potential client for any ERP implementation , they always have a question and curiosity about Cloud Security. Cloud security and the reliability on SAAS is always a must ask questionnaire from the client and being a netsuite solution provider we have to be prepared for the suitable answer which give them confidence over technology and infrastructure both.

Talking about NetSuite:  NetSuite Provides Enterprise-Class Data Management, Security and Availability

As the … Read the rest

Record Catalog in NetSuite

In this tutorial of smiling coders we are going to show the Record Catalog which is release in new release of 2020.The Records Catalog is a contextual reference tool that describes the NetSuite model structure and behavior. This tool supports users in developing integrations, adopting new features, and learning about the NetSuite model. Within the Records Catalog, you can find information about the record types and fields available for specific NetSuite channels. This dynamic NetSuite … Read the rest

Inventory Adjustment In NetSuite

When you need to change your inventory records, two forms are available you can use to enter an adjustment, the Adjust Inventory form and the Adjust Inventory Worksheet. Although the names are similar, the function of these forms is different.

For example, if you enter each form with a quantity of +10 widgets, a basic summary of the difference is this:

The Adjust Inventory form is inclusive of the previous stock total.

The Adjust Inventory … Read the rest

NetSuite File Cabinet useful features

Account-Specific Domains Supported in File Cabinet

NetSuite 2020.2 supports account-specific domains in the File Cabinet. You should use account-specific domains in the File Cabinet instead of data center-specific URLs.

Previously, NetSuite domains were specific to the data center where your account was hosted. Links in the File Cabinet used these data center-specific domains. NetSuite domains are no longer specific to data centers. Instead, they are account-specific domains, which are domains specific to your account and … Read the rest

New Module ‘N/recordContext’ for Localization

In this tutorial we are going to share information about New module introduces in NetSuite. The N/recordContext module is introduced in NetSuite 2020.2. You can use this new method and enum to determine which country a script is using for execution. Use the N/recordContext Module to get all the available context types of the record, such as localization. The localization context type indicates which country a script is using for execution. You can also … Read the rest

Mass Update in NetSuite

In this tutorial of smiling coders we are looking into Mass update of netsuite. In this tutorial we are showing you how to update custom record using mass update. Then go to general update and select custom record which you already created. In my case I am updating Custom record name Training Po , after selecting Training PO a search like UI appears. In the Sub tab Mass Update fields we can select the field … Read the rest

Restlet using NLAUTH in NetSuite

In this tutorial of smiling coders we are going to share you how to write your first Restlet script.

You can see this is the restlet with get function having record type and record id on record load and context is passing it to function. Restlet has 2 url one external and one internal. The restlet script shown here will return you the record data in response. Here we are using customer record with id … Read the rest

User Event on Sales Order to get Item record (Sublist) Details.

In this tutorial of netsuite solution provider you will learn netsuite customization.

Script to get Values of Sales Order and load the Item to get sublist value of Item Record.

As a netsuite solution provider we are giving you Use Case: In this example we are going to write a user event script which will be deployed on Sales order and getting the field values of Sales order and line items values of sales … Read the rest