NetSuite SuiteCloud Platform Enhancements

NetSuite SuiteCloud Platform Enhancements

In this tutorial of NetSuite by your NetSuite Solution provider we are briefing about the SuiteCloud Platform enhancements by netsuite For developers working with the SuiteCloud development platform, things are about to get easier, faster and more collaborative.

For NetSuite customization netsuite has recently made some key enhancements to the platform including the release of new SuiteCloud processors which should be welcome news for customers and partners in this netsuite training i am discussing. Traditionally, developers and end users have been frustrated with project queues, putting high priority processing jobs behind unimportant, menial jobs, which ultimately creates delays so we are here with use case in this netsuite training.

Meanwhile, as a netsuite training and netsuite solution provider we want to let you aware about unbalanced queues force customers and partners to manually balance loads or write complicated programs to give priority to more important jobs like month end close for customers or force partners to worry about what other jobs are running alongside their apps.

With the SuiteCloud development platform’s new Asynchronous SuiteCloud Processors, loads are automatically balanced and developers can assign priority to specific workloads. The processors have shown significant improvements in lab testing, resulting in 17 percent better utilization and 98 percent decreases in average and max wait times.

The New SuiteCloud Processors capabilities include:

  1. Maximize throughput in every account
  2. Minimize wait times for jobs
  3. No manual balancing needed
  4. Defined priorities for specific jobs
  5. Improved control to tune throughput

The key features and benefits of SuiteCloud Development Framework include:

  • Collaborative cloud development. Developers can now collaborate in a separate dedicated development environment that makes it easier to manage customizations and application code, providing more familiarity, more control and more autonomy than ever.
  • Direct deployment. Developers can directly deploy applications to development, sandbox or production accounts, greatly simplifying development and deployment practices for ISVs and customers.
  • Software development lifecycle support. Development teams can now easily manage cloud source code with the same process and rigor that they use in other projects, increasing quality, compliance and contr

Reference :, netsuite help  and netsuite guide.

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