Category Archives: Uncategorized

Some Useful Features of 2021.1

Category : Uncategorized

In this blog we are sharing some important features which are introduced in latest release of netsuite.

Invoice Groups Feature Enhancements

There are two new enhancements to the Invoice Groups feature:

1) The Add to Group button appears on the invoice record when an invoice is eligible for grouping.

You can now add an invoice to an invoice group from the invoice record. If an invoice is eligible for

grouping, an Add to Group but… Read the rest

Print SearchResult in CSV in NetSuite SuiteScript 2.0

In this tutorial of netsuite solution provider you will learn ,The file Module helps us to do lots of thing in the NetSuite

Load the file module when you want to work with files within NetSuite. We can use this module to upload files to the NetSuite File Cabinet. You can also use this module to send files as attachments without uploading them to the File Cabinet.

file.create(options) : Method used to create a new … Read the rest

NetSuite Xml to pdf using N/render module

In this blog of NetSuite solution provider we are show how to use render module to convert xml content into pdf. In this Netsuite customization tutorial we are creating pdf using render module. The render module encapsulates functionality for printing, PDF creation, form creation from templates, and email creation from templates.


 * @NApiVersion 2.x

 * @NScriptType ScheduledScript


define([‘N/render’, ‘N/record’],

    function (render, record) {

        function generatePdfFileFromRawXml() {

            var xmlStr = “<?xml version=\”1.0\”?>\n” +

                “<!DOCTYPE pdf PUBLIC \”-//\” \”reportLAP-18.1.dtd\”>\n” +

                “<pdf>\n<body font-size=\”18\”>\nHello World!\n</body>\n</pdf>”;

            var pdfFile = render.xmlToPdf({

                xmlString: xmlStr



                title: “pdfFile”,

                details: pdfFile


   = ‘Test123.pdf’;

            pdfFile.folder = 30;

            var fileId =;

            log.debug(‘Saved PDF to file ‘ + fileId);


        return {

            execute: generatePdfFileFromRawXml

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Automate values on inventory adjustment Record in NetSuite

A Customer want to automate few values on the inventory adjustment record here I am writing few updates on how easily you can achieve the customization via User event or Client script.  Here we choose  Adjustment Account, fielded: Account (Select the appropriate account for inventory adjustments. Usually, this will be an expense account. For details on accounts, go to Setup > Accounting > Chart of Accounts.) and

 Adjustment Location Field id: Adjlocation( To select … Read the rest

SuiteAnalytics workbook in netsuite.

Category : Uncategorized

As a netsuite solution provider we are here to give you brief about SuiteAnalytics Workbook. SuiteAnalytics Workbook is a new analytical tool available in NetSuite.

Feel free to reach your NetSuite Solution Provider , TheSmilingCoders for proper netsuite implementationnetsuite consultation , netsuite customizationnetsuite Support,netsuite Training, 

What we can do With SuiteAnalytics Workbook, as a netsuite solution provider we recommend you to read each steps and then perform same as … Read the rest