Author Archives: Smiling Coders

Customizing Address Forms In Netsuite

Category : Uncategorized

Custom address forms can be used to support address format localization for international customers, and unique business requirements for all customers. A standard address form is provided for all accounts and assigned by default to all countries. Account administrators and other users with the Custom Address Form permission can create as many customized versions of the address form as needed, and assign each custom address form to one or more countries.

When users view or … Read the rest

Invoice Group in Netsuite – Features and Scripting

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Netsuite’s Invoice Groups feature enables grouping of invoices for customers. This feature allows for the creation of several Invoice Groups per customer. Applying payments to an Invoice Group is made easier by this functionality. All of the invoices in an Invoice Group are affected when a payment is applied to that group of invoices. Netsuite enables partial and full payment for Invoice Group just like it does for regular invoices.

For accessing the invoice groups, … Read the rest

Filtering in Celigo using Javascript

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Category : Uncategorized

Filtering in Celigo flows is of two types.

  1. Output filter – Used to filter data exiting an import(lookups)/export step
  2. Input filter – Used to filter date entering an import step

To add filters on a flow step

  1. Click on define options in the import/export step
  1. Now you can see the filter symbol next to your import/export

The symbol with the arrow exiting shows the output filter and the arrow entering shows the input filter

Now … Read the rest

Celigo ‘One to many’ configuration

Category : Uncategorized

  • Normally in celigo, flow runs against each record in the export.
  • ‘One to many’ configuration that is available at the connector level.
  • One to many configuration is used when the input data contains child records that should each be considered as the main record.
  • If the records being processed are JSON objects, the Path to many’ field can be used to enter the JSON path to child records.
  • In the below example while
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Export & Import Data Into Microsoft Sql Using Celigo

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Category : Uncategorized

Microsoft Sql Server : Its a relational database management system developed by Microsoft.It is a software product with the primary functions of storing and retrieving data as requested by other software applications.

Export Data From Microsoft Sql Server

  • From the Resource menu, select Exports to open the list of exports of account.OR, at the upper right of exports page click + create export.
  • For creating an export, a new window will pop up,
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Adding Lookup in HTTP Request body

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Category : Uncategorized

Import mapping defines how your source data relates to your import destination record data. During mapping, lookup in the field mapping settings is used to retrieve additional data from the same destination system.

In field-to-field mapping, you can add lookups from the settings.

But, when you are using HTTP Request Body to map your data, Things are different.

Here, you need to separately create lookup codes and call them in your request body.

To add … Read the rest

Comparing Applied To Transaction and Applying Transaction In Netsuite Saved Search

Applied to Transaction and Applying Transaction are the two fields that often confuses Netsuite users while creating Transaction saved searches, yet very handy when we need to find related Transactions. Applied to Transaction fields are used to find the originated records of the current transaction whereas Applying Transactions are derived transactions from the current transaction.

For example, If you take Sales Order as the current transaction,Opportunity can be an Applied Transaction and Item Fulfillment can … Read the rest

Celigo Presave hook with Example

Hooks means its a custom code that can be used in  different stages during the execution of  flow (exports,imports), to modify the processing data.

Export stage consists of 2 hook types:

1.    Presave 

2.    Presend


The presave hook works after the export completes and  before the data  is taken from the destination application.

This hook is  mainly used to format,filter,perform logics etc on the data coming from export before the data moves … Read the rest



System Overview : HubSpot is a CRM platform designed to help companies market better.

HubSpot helps to make proper interactions with customers.

With Hubspot we can assign tasks to our employees and we can conduct email campaigns.

HubSpot helps to track workflows that will help to generate quality leads.

Set up a token-based Celigo-HubSpot connection:

  • From the Resources menu, select Connections. Then, click + Create connection
  • Select Hubspot From Application list.
  • Name the connection
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Celigo Error Management

Category : Uncategorized

Integratorio has the ability to turn on the Debug Logs after connection level, so that we can see the request and responses that are going through the connection. This works on http based connections within integratorio. Let us move to the connections in the integratorio.

Now select the connection to which we need to turn on the debug logs for.

The bug icon highlighted allows us to configure the debugger.

Clicking on the debugger pops … Read the rest