Author Archives: Smiling Coders

Celigo Mapping Types

Category : Uncategorized

When we open a flow with all mappings we can see 

Here we can see that the connection is done between Shopify and Salesforce. Here from the screenshot we can say that this is a side-by-side representation of  mapping. Here the left hand side of the mapping have the fields from the source ie Shopify and the corresponding right hand side have the fields to  destination i.e. Salesforce. Here the data is exported from Shopify … Read the rest

Celigo Data Loader

Category : Uncategorized

In the Tools menu we also have Data Loader, which allows us to build integration flow where we upload files into inegratorio, in that process it goes import into a different system

When we click the Data Loader in the source, a window pops up.

After entering the name and Uploading the file,here we selected a JSON file, then click Save or Save & Close. Here whenever we need to run this flow, each time … Read the rest

Celigo Fundamentals: Profile and Account Settings

Category : Uncategorized

 Fundamentals: Profile and Account Settings 

Integratorio has two types of account, Account owner and Individual users.

The screenshot shows an Account Owner because there is no account shown with the Account owner label. The Account owner will be specified if the logged in user was an Individual user. When we click the My account button, allows to see the details about the integratorio account. 

In the profile section, we can view the profile, edit … Read the rest

Celigo Fundamentals: Basics

Category : Uncategorized

Fundamentals: Basics

After successfully logging in to the account we are directed to the homepage of the account. In this page we can see all the integrations including the health of that integrations. Each integration in the home page is called Tiles. So, each Tiles represents different Integrations.

Each tile contains:

  1. Status:

At the top of the Tile, we can see the Status of the Integration.

Here the status is Success, which means … Read the rest

Celigo Fundamentals: Flow Builder Overview

Category : Uncategorized

In the Tools menu there are two options:

  • Flow Builder
  • Data Loader

Let us look into the Flow Builder. Flow Builder is the key concept of integratorio and helps to build an integration flow from a source to a destination and how we manipulate those data going through.

Let us build a sample Flow that pulls data from Shopify and imports that as a Sales Force account. First let us start with the Add SourceRead the rest

Celigo Fundamentals: Resources

Category : Uncategorized

When we move on to the Resource menu, individual Imports or Exports or Connections can be used for multiple data changing one location can impact multiple components of the Integration.

Resource menu contains :

Connections : Typically have one connection for each system that we are connecting to. We can see the Status (online/ offline) of the connection ,Type of the connection, Last updated time, Queue size

In the Actions we have Edit connectionRead the rest

NetSuite Rest API ….

Category : Uncategorized

The NetSuite REST web services provide an integration channel that extends the capabilities of SuiteTalk. REST web services provide a REST-based interface for interacting with NetSuite.

Using REST web services, we can:

Use CRUD (create, read, update, delete) operations to perform business processing on NetSuite records and to navigate dynamically between records.

REST Web Services URL Schema and Account Specific URLs You can only access REST web services using account-specific domains. Account-specific domains are unique … Read the rest

SuiteCloud Development Framework 2021.1 Release

Category : Uncategorized

SuiteCloud Development Framework (SDF) is a development framework and deployment mechanism. Customers and partners can use SDF to create customization projects for internal use within their organizations or for commercial distribution. For more information about SDF, see the help topic SuiteCloud Development Framework Overview. For a complete list of custom records and customizations that are supported by SDF, see the help topic Customizations Supported by SuiteCloud Development Framework.

NetSuite 2021.1 includes the following enhancements to … Read the rest

Email Search Results in CSV File using SuiteScript

Category : Uncategorized

You can export the result of a saved search to a CSV file in the User Interface by clicking on the Export (CSV) link on the list of Saved Searches, however, this requires User interaction requiring the User to log in and initiate this process.Furthermore, Scheduled Scripts provide more frequency options than the options available when sending the search results in the User Interface.

Using a Scheduled Script, Suitescript 2.0 with the sample code below, … Read the rest

Export saved search result into csv and save in file cabinet

Category : Uncategorized

In this blog of smiling coders we will be talking about saved search,file object and its automation .  I Suppose you have a client asking for Exporting a saved search result and save it as CSV file to the File Cabinet that task we can automate via script.

 To get the value of each columns, resultObject.getValue(name: ‘value’) can be used where the internal id of the field is required. In this article, the internal ids … Read the rest